ChatGPT Cheat Sheet - Prompt Starters

Understanding Prompt Engineering and Its Importance

Prompt engineering is the art of crafting precise and powerful prompts to unlock the full potential of AI models, especially in natural language processing. Imagine being able to command an AI with just a few well-chosen words to get exactly what you need, be it insightful analysis, creative content, brainstorming, or accurate information. This is the magical power of prompt engineering, where the power is given to you.

Prompt Engineering Cheat Sheet

Below is a cheat sheet of prompt starters to help you on getting the most of your prompts to AI. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, this cheat sheet will enhance your understanding and application of prompt engineering techniques.

  • Define the following term and give a metaphor
  • Elaborate on the purpose of...
  • Create a template for...
  • Construct an outline for this podcast...
  • Help me create a budget plan for...
  • Suggest some creative writing prompts to get me started...
  • Brainstorm 10 ideas for improving the writing in this transcript...
  • Draft a well thought-out chapter list for a book on...
  • List some recipes using these ingredients...
  • Formulate a catalog of subjects related to...
  • Create a lesson plan for...
  • Compose 5 headlines for...
  • Sum up the following book in a tweet...
  • Design a comprehensive social media content strategy for...
  • Compose an introductory outreach email for...
  • Recommend some metaphors/analogies/synonyms for...
  • Craft a witty response to this message...
  • Transform this title into an intriguing hook...
  • Translate this into French...
  • Compose a polite decline response to this email...
  • Create an opening scene for a video showcasing...
  • Suggest ways to improve my resume...
  • Explain the concept of...
  • Can you recommend some online courses or books to improve...
  • What are some effective strategies for...
  • Provide some tips for starting my
  • Suggest some healthy meal options for...
  • Help me create a daily schedule to...
  • Explain the basics of...
  • Provide some guidance on...


To unlock the full potential of AI text generation models, crafting your prompt with precision is essential. Be as specific as possible, providing clear constraints and detailed context. This ensures the AI delivers accurate, relevant, and engaging results, transforming your simple query into a powerful interaction.

Example of poor prompt:

  • Plan a trip of 3 days to Los Angeles

Example of improved prompt:

  • Act as a travel agent, and plan a 3-day trip to Los Angeles for a recently married couple on a max budget of $500 per day. Include a mix of cultural, outdoor, and dining experiences. Provide a daily itinerary with must-see attractions, recommended restaurants, museums, parks, and unique activities. Suggest the best neighborhoods for accommodations. Also, incorporate some off-the-beaten-path suggestions and tips for getting around the city efficiently.
